10 Things I Stopped Buying (And No Longer Need)

don't buy magazines
Photo by Alex Maloney 

At the top of the year, I said I would try to declutter. Welp, March has already crept up on us, so I thought it’d be great to do a little update post and share some things I’ve decided to no longer purchase. Believe me, I’m still messy and have a long way to go, but we’re off to a great start!

Living in a city often means your living space is limited, so I’ve become a little bit more intentional about the things coming in and out of my house. This has also helped with saving, as I’m trying to be more mindful with my spending.

Here’s what I stopped buying:

1. DVDs/DVD Players

Before Netflix was a thing, I used to be a big movie and TV show season collector. It turned into this huge collection of clutter…that I never watched. It sure came in handy in college when I had an apartment with no money for cable. Now, in the era of streaming services, there’s simply no need. If I feel strongly about a movie and HAVE to own it, I’ll purchase it electronically. That way, it takes up no room, and I can access it on any device, at any time!

2. CDs

Same reason I don’t purchase DVDs. Because hello, iTunes/Spotify/Alexa. Ok, I probably cheated with adding this one to the list – I mean is ANYONE still buying CDs?

3. Magazines

I used to be OBSESSED with magazines! It’s why I blog, I always wanted to write for one! Now they just pile up in my room and go unread. It was hard to let go of them for nostalgia reasons but now, I just throw them away. I’m kinda headed in that direction with books too. I’ve been buying books on my Kindle or listening to them on Alexa or Audible.

I’m a little afraid to say I’ll never buy an actual book again though, cause there’s still nothing like holding one physically in your hand. (That pesky nostalgia feeling again!) But I have to say – right now I’m in a season of reading them electronically and honestly I’m loving the space save.

4. Jewelry

buy minimal jewelry
My everyday jewelry: Simple necklace, hoop earrings, and a watch.

I used to buy ALL the costume jewelry and had to have tons of accessories to go with each and every outfit. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to appreciate simple necklaces, and just one good watch. I don’t bother with rings or bracelets. I tend to receive them a lot as gifts anyway, so no need to buy them.

5. Handbags/Purses

Like jewelry, I used to want a lot of these too. Now I’ve realized, I literally only need two or three. I’ve also realized large sized handbags aren’t really my thing anymore. (See what’s in my backpack purse on this post!) I’ll admit I still have work to do here, but I’ve pulled back a lot and try not to impulse buy these as much and make sure its serving a purpose if I get one. I try to keep only 1-2 in each category versus multiples. For example, ONE backpack purse, ONE clutch, ONE fanny pack, etc. Why do I need six of each?

6. Heels

WHY do people buy tons and tons of heels in multiple crazy colors and designs? UNLESS you’re a model or a celebrity, I don’t see the point. What events are you going to? They literally just sit in your closet like trophies. Maybe I’m old and boring, but how often do you REALLY go somewhere where you actually need to wear these? I’ve realized I only need two pairs of heels. One in the color black, and one in the color nude. That sounds super minimalist, but that seriously covers every possible occasion for me. The rest is a huge waste of space and money – for me at least.

7. Mani-Pedis, Eye Brow, Hair Services, etc.

I can paint my own nails and toes, I can pluck my own eyebrows, I can wash and blow dry my own hair. The only hair services I pay for are maybe two Keratin treatments a year and hair trims. I can understand paying for hair color, but I’ve never dyed my hair, so thankfully that’s not an expense I currently have to deal with. I only get manicures and pedicures for special occasions or when I visit my mom – she LOVES getting them and makes me go with her. She usually offers to pay for it too so I can’t turn that down!

hair products

Regardless of the money, I’m that person who doesn’t like how loooong it takes to get your nails done, (WHO has the time to just sit there for an hour plus every other week?) AND I don’t like to talk when I’m getting these services. (In the same way people don’t like chatty uber drivers) Having to force small talk with a stranger is the opposite of relaxation for me, it stresses me out!

8. Seasonal Décor

I used to want to buy home décor for every darn month. That got costly and added up the clutter real fast. Now, I only stick to minimal decor that looks good all year round. The only exception is Christmas, because that’s just a classic time for me. Sometimes for October/November I may buy a few real pumpkins because they don’t cost much and are disposable/edible. Then, I don’t have to deal with clutter after the fact.

9. Bottled Water

I bought a Brita. Reduce waste, save money, and save yourself the hassle of carrying huge cases of bottled water home every week.

10. Sports Themed Clothes/Single Use Wear/Items

I think buying tons of sports merch is unnecessary. Unless you’re a die hard fan – then, I probably can’t talk you out of it. I used to think I needed one Jersey/T-shirt per sports team. Guess what? I don’t. Sports themed clothing is not really my style anyway, and they end up being demoted to ugly pajama shirts. I’d rather buy one good team hat and pair it with a white tee – the simple looks are what I prefer at a sports game.

Betcha guys didn’t think I had a minimalist side huh?


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  1. March 2, 2020 / 3:32 pm

    So many times we buy things we don’t really need. Once we stop buying them we realize we don’t even want them.

    • Tania
      March 2, 2020 / 3:34 pm

      Agree, it’s so mindless sometimes! I don’t miss any of these items!

  2. March 2, 2020 / 5:51 pm

    I stopped buying so many of the things on the list many years ago. I used to buy lots of clothes, bags and accessories, then I realised I was cluttering my house and not saving money at the same time. Minimalism is a good thing. It makes us value the real meaning of life.

    • Tania
      March 3, 2020 / 9:11 pm

      You’re so right! I wish I started sooner when I think about all the money and space wasted! Definitely makes me appreciate life and the things I do have.

  3. Ped
    March 3, 2020 / 12:52 am

    LOVED reading this and you have definitely inspired me to create lists of types of things i shouldn’t buy anymore! thank you so much for sharing, and loved your reasoning behind each group of items you’ve quit buying x

    • Tania
      March 3, 2020 / 9:17 pm

      Thank you! Sometimes we don’t put any thought into it. I’m SO guilty of impulse purchases and I’ve tried to stop that.